Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kids say the darnedest things...

...and my little Kinder at Schule an der Wuhlheide are no different. Here is a compilation, greatest hits if you will, of some of my favorites. Enjoy

-"Good morning Miss Morning!" (This is a common problem. "Morgen" means tomorrow or morning in German and therefore kids are continuously confused by my name. This little guy directly translated my name and has stuck with it. Thus, Miss Morning, I am.)

-Sebastian: "Do you smoke?"
Me: "No, that is very unhealthy."
Sebastian: "Then why are you so short?"

-9-year-old Julian: "Frau Morgan, did you shrink?"
Sarah, also 9: "No silly! She's always been that short."
Are you sensing a theme yet?!?!

-Teacher: "Do you have any questions for Morgan about America?"
5th grader: "Are there as many drugs in Miami as I see on CSI: Miami?"

-Jannick, one of my favorite little 9 year old boys: "Ohhhh Frau Morgan, your purse is so cute!"

And finally, I can't tell you how many times I have been asked this question by little girls:
"Do are you friends with Miley Cyrus?" (All the kids seem to think that simply being American means that I will know movie stars).

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